
FOODTEST 200+ food intolerance test

IgG specific food intolerance test + dietary consultation

With the FOODTEST 200+ laboratory test, more than 220 types of food sensitivities can be detected. To evaluate the result, you can request a personalized written dietetic consultation free of charge.

Milk, milk products, eggs: alpha-lactalbumin, beta-lactoglobulin, buffalo milk, casein, cow’s milk, egg white, egg yolk, goat’s milk, sheep’s milk.

Fish, seafood: alga espaguette, alga spirulina, alga wakame, ajoka, duck mussels, black bass, carp, caviar, hard or silver clams, cockles, black cod, crab, squid, cuttlefish, sea bream, eel, haddock, cod , herring, lobster, mackerel, monkfish, blue mussel, octopus, oyster, perch, pike, flounder, cockle, salmon, sardine, scallop, shrimp, sole, squid, squid, swordfish, trout, tuna, turbot, shore snail.

Fruits: apple, apricot, avocado, banana, blackberry, blackcurrant, blackberry, cherry, lingonberry, date, fig, grape, grapefruit, guava, kiwi, lemon, lime, lychee, mango, cantaloupe, strawberry, nectarine, olive, orange, papaya, peach, pear, pineapple, plum, pomegranate, raisin, raspberry, currant, rhubarb, strawberry, tangerine, tomato, watermelon.

Cereals containing gluten: barley, couscous, durum wheat, gliadin, malt, oats, rye flour, spelled wheat, wheat bran, wheat, transglutaminase.

Gluten-free grains: buckwheat, corn, millet, pulse, quinoa, rice, amaranth, tapioca.

Herbs and spices: aloe vera, anise, basil, bay leaf, chamomile, cayenne pepper, cinnamon, cloves, coriander (leaf), cumin, curry, dill, garlic, ginger, gingko, ginseng, hops, licorice, marjoram, mint, mustard seed, nettle, nutmeg, parsley, pepper (black / white), peppermint, red chili, rosemary, saffron, sage, tarragon, thyme, vanilla.

Meats: beef, goat meat, chicken meat, duck meat, horse meat, lamb meat, ostrich, buffalo, partridge meat, pork meat, quail meat, rabbit meat, turkey meat, veal meat, venison (venison, roe deer), wild boar meat.

Oily seeds: Almonds, almonds, cashews, flaxseeds, coconuts, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, peanuts, pine nuts, pistachios, tiger nuts / peanuts, walnuts, sunflower seeds, rapeseeds, sesame seeds.

Vegetables: artichokes, asparagus, eggplant, broad beans, green beans, red kidney beans, white kidney beans, beets, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, red cabbage, capers, carrots, cauliflower, celery, chard, chickpeas, chicory, cucumber, fennel leaves, pumpkin, leeks, lentils, lettuce, squash/asparagus, onions, peas, peppers, potatoes, radishes, arugula, scallions, soybeans, spinach, sweet potatoes, turnips, horseradish, cassava.

Others: agar-agar, cane sugar, carob, chestnuts, cocoa beans, coffee, kola nuts, honey, mushrooms,
tea (black), tea (green), yeast (baker), yeast (beer).

Food intolerance can manifest itself in the form of many symptoms. The most common are disorders of the alimentary canal, such as diarrhea, constipation, flatulence, abdominal cramps, abdominal pain, intestinal inflammation, but central nervous system complaints – such as insomnia or chronic headaches -, skin problems – such as eczema or acne – or even arthritis or chronic bronchitis can also occur.

Unlike an allergy, the symptoms of intolerance do not appear immediately after eating the food, but develop over a longer period of time. Therefore, it is almost impossible to determine the exact root cause without laboratory diagnostics.

There is no known cure for food intolerance – the most important thing is to identify the foods causing the problem and then exclude them from our diet.

With the help of the results of FOODTEST 200+, you can make an effective diet, for the compilation of which we provide professional help and the applied diet will eliminate your complaints.