Body Weight Plus laboratory test

A complete laboratory test to fight the extra kilos, with IR testing.

This package includes the Body Weight laboratory test + 3-point IR examination. So Body Weight parameters plus determination of sugar load, blood sugar and insulin levels at 0, 60, 120 minutes. The determination of glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and the HOMA Index is also part of the package. The Beigli Busters package also includes a thorough laboratory examination of the digestive and excretory system – such as the pancreas, liver, bile ducts and kidney function. The detailed laboratory examination of the balance of salt, water and other electrolytes, iron metabolism, inflammatory parameters and quality blood count is also part of this package. In addition to the primary screening test of the thyroid function (TSH) and the determination of the vitamin D level, we can get a thorough picture of the basic metabolism after the kilos gained and the IR examination of the abnormal carbohydrate metabolism conditions. The package only requires a blood test, without a urine sample. Due to the sugar-loaded IR test, 120-140 minutes is the total time required.

Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, Magnesium, Phosphate, Calcium, fasting blood sugar (Glucose), IR test with sugar load – 3-point blood sugar + insulin levels, Urea, Creatinine, eGFR, Total protein, Albumin, Uric acid, Triglyceride, Total cholesterol, HDL-C, measured LDL -C, calculated LDL-C, Total Bilirubin, GOT (ASAT), GPT (ALT), GGT, ALP, amylase, CK, lowering, CRP, Iron, Transferrin, Quality blood count (hemoglobin, hematocrit, red blood cell count and characteristics MCV, MCH, MCHC, number and distribution of white blood cells, lymphocyte, monocyte, granulocytes -neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, platelets), TSH, vitamin D, HbA1c, HOMA index.

In case of moderate overweight, increased abdominal volume, suspected IR or post-meal dizziness, nausea, severe “food coma”, unreasonable and insuppressible hunger, binge eating. Abnormal thyroid function or vitamin D deficiency are also determinants of metabolism and adiposity for an endocrinologist, diabetologist or dietician.

The scope of the package also makes it suitable for the most common mild complaints, but it can also be used to detect more serious pathologies. If your condition or parameters do not improve, you should consult a doctor.

Blood sampling? Head to Whitelab!