Combined allergy test package – panel 54

Combined allergy laboratory test package containing nutritive and inhalative allergens.

In the case of an unknown allergy, this is the recommended laboratory package for identifying the allergens causing the symptoms. The combined food allergy and respiratory allergy lab package tests a total of 54 allergens, including testing for bee-bee sting allergy. During the test, we determine the level of allergen-specific IgE molecules, based on which we define 7 classification classes that characterize the severity of the allergy. The advantage of the allergy test we offer over the skin test is that it can be performed even when the skin test is not recommended. Examples of such cases include taking antihistamines or steroids, inflamed, eczematous skin, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and prolonged pollen season.

apricot, kiwi, apple, almond, hazelnut, peanut, sesame seed, soy, bean, rice, rye flour, wheat flour, baker’s yeast, lamb, beef, casein ß-lactoglobulin, a-lactalbumin, bovine albumin, shrimp crab, crab, cod , cow’s milk, egg yolk, egg white, celery, potato, carrot, tomato, latex, lanceolate euphorbia, black wormwood, ragwort, cypress tree pollen, oak, hazel, birch, alder, rye, meadowsweet, knotweed, mistletoe, alternaria alternata , aspergillus fumigatus, cladosporium herbarum, penicillium notatum, horse hair, dog hair, cat hair, house dust, cockroach, wasp venom, bee venom, dust mite, flour mite

In the case of an unknown allergy, this is the recommended laboratory package for identifying the allergens causing the symptoms. We recommend it to all those who have allergic symptoms in the form of various digestive system, skin and respiratory symptoms, as well as those who experience nausea, crampy abdominal pain, diarrhea, red spots on the skin, hives, the appearance of eczema, an itchy feeling, or respiratory symptoms such as suffocation and symptoms typical of asthma. they feel The advantage of the allergy test we offer over the skin test is that it can be performed even when the skin test is not recommended. Examples of such cases include taking antihistamines or steroids, inflamed, eczematous skin, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and prolonged pollen season.